
Tonight, at sunset, Barb and I spread Jake’s ashes in a nearby field where he used to run. One year ago, today, our boy made his way to the Rainbow Bridge where, it is said, he will wait for us. As we scattered Jake’s remains in the wind, all of the feelings and emotion I’d been holding in these last 12 months poured out.

The truth is, before Jake, I hadn’t been much of a dog person. It had taken no small amount of coaxing by my wife to persuade me we should have a dog in our lives. Now, I can’t imagine how I got along without him. I am forever grateful to Barb for bringing this gentle, lovable and goofy dog, who became my friend and teacher, into my life.

I cherish the memory of Jake not so much for what he taught me, but for how he made me feel – unconditionally loved. He constantly reminded me that in the grand scheme of things, fortune and fame are of little importance and that what matters is how we make each other feel.

At times when my mind would fill with racing thoughts, his quiet presence spoke volumes about being centered and stilling the mind. He cared not a whit about yesterday and even less about tomorrow. It was all about being fully present in the moment.

One of his greatest joys, aside from chomping on pizza crust, was chasing rabbits. He ran after them at a frenzied gallop with his ears flying in the wind. The fact that in 12 years he never caught one mattered not. It was the thrill of the chase that sparked him; it was the journey and not the destination.

Jake also reinforced something I have always known but sometimes forget. Nature is our greatest source of healing and happiness. He loved the outdoors and delighted in traversing woods and fields. Jake taught me about the nature of unconditional loyalty. He was by my side through thick and thin, in times of joy and times of sadness. He was always eager to share my joy and never failed to lean into me and comfort me in times of duress.

I will forever remember how Jake made me feel. His was pure love. Maybe there is a Rainbow Bridge and Jake will be waiting for me. One thing I know for sure is that I am a far better person for having had Jake in my life. He was a dear friend and an uncommon teacher.

4 thoughts on “Jake

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  1. I’m very glad you had the experience of sharing your life with a wonderful pet like Jake. Folks that never had a dog just don’t understand.


  2. OMG!!! All chocked up and crying into tissues! You and Barb were such wonderful parents to dear, dear Jake! And it is because of Jake that I called out to Barb one summer day while walking to the foot bridge in Tyler! He was, indeed, a very special dog. And Lord knows Jackson does not bond to many other dogs…but there was always a very special bond between Jackson and Jake. I’m thrilled for you two in adopting your soon-to-be new little gal….Sadie? She is adorable and a very very lucky pup! Jackson and I look forward to meeting her!


    1. I always smile when Barb retells the story of how the two of you met. You didn’t know each other, and yet you recognized Jake! We will love Sadie and bask in her love as we did with Jake. She won’t replace Jake, but she doesn’t have to. She will be her own special ‘person’. Hope Jackson is well and still trekking the hilly paths in Tyler.


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