If only I knew then…

Every now and again you come across a photo that takes you back in time. When I came across on old photo of Henning’s fishing station in Atlantic Beach, NY, it took me all the way back to nine or 10 years of age.

My father used to rent a small boat at Henning’s, buy bait, usually live killies, and the two of us would spend an afternoon fishing in Reynolds Channel.

I hated baiting my hook with a live fish. Worse yet, there were days when we’d catch a blow fish or two and a clump of seaweed and I’d be bored as hell. An occasional eel would add some excitement.

Some days it seemed the sun beat down relentlessly on the two of us in that small boat, and I found myself wishing I was somewhere else. At the time I didn’t appreciate what really mattered … that my dad was spending time with me, and that spending time with someone is a way of saying, ‘I love you.’

If only I knew then what I know now.

2 thoughts on “If only I knew then…

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  1. I feel the same way. Let me ask you, across from Henning’s on the opposite side of the channel, I used to fish off the jetty(s) there with my friends back in the early 70s. There was a small bait station, Johnny’s. I feel like I might be the only person left alive who remembers it. Might you have any information on it? Thank you.


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