
Welcome to Small Epiphanies from a Life in Progress!

Our journeys take us in many different directions and to all manner of destination, as we create our own personal tapestries, in Carol Carol King’s vision, of “rich and royal hue.” T.S. Eliot had an interesting perspective on the journey: “We must not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began, and to know the place for the first time.”

My early exploring included time spent in a seminary school where I learned about the nature of compassion and forgiveness, and where I was blessed to form lifelong friendships with a wonderful group of like-minded individuals. At college I studied political science and literature. During those years I began my journey away from institutional religion, ironically, in a theology class, where two books shaped my early thinking — Sigmund Freud’s Future of An Illusion and Bertrand Russell’s Why I Am Not a Christian.

I completed graduate work in mass communication. My exploring has been furthered by my work in communications in a wide range of environments from government and education to the energy and pharmaceutical industries, as a college instructor of writing and communication theory, and a children’s book author. I’m not, however, defined by the jobs I’ve held or by my education. They are part of my tapestry.

These days, I am happily free from the workaday life and focus on freelance writing about people and issues that matter, on giving back, spending time with loved ones, and reveling in the beauty and majesty of the natural world that is all around us.

My spiritual journey has included time spent in Zen Buddhist monasteries in New York and New Jersey. For me, the journey inward is the most important voyage one can take. If you asked me to define myself, I would describe myself as a pilgrim and a seeker, defined in part by the people I love and who love me. All of which brings me to this point in time, nearing the place where I began, and where I hope to recognize the place for the first time.

Chris Florentz

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